History teaches the necessity of our intercession ahead of global trends, offering hope and something of substance to those caught in the whirlwinds of change. If we do not pray but focus instead on that which we see naturally, or if we live in a previous glory, unable to get involved today, we will not be influencers with God’s perspective. If from a position of worldview prayer, we cannot relate to contemporary demands, history will teach the next generation that we failed in our mission to lead. 
In Jesus’s day there were madmen possessed by evil spirits, cruel rulers who preyed upon their subjects, enslaving them. The Lord’s response came with authority—not from the shadows, and certainly not from religion’s safe enclosure. He called to account individuals and systems that threatened to destroy, and ultimately gave His life to assure chains for Satan who is the mastermind of all violence, terror, oppression, enslavement, and twisted religious philosophies. 
We have inherited the present world scene with its cry for influencers. From the Cross of Calvary forward, the day is ours to lose. And if we do lose, the loss will be in the matter of true prayer; the loss will be that we did not prioritize the Spirit of prayer and could not therefore interpret current events—that we did not see clearly enough for ourselves to offer leadership and redemptive influence to others. 
There is much we can do—so much we have to offer our world; but our greatest contribution is that we know the Lord, and in prayer, hear His voice, and are willing by wisdom to adjust routines and discipline the pace in order to finish the race—leading!  


Romans 8:26-27 | Hebrews 7:25-28 | Joel 2 | Acts 2 | Verses@Once