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Those in covenant with Almighty God are authorized to enforce His love in every setting and to align circumstances with His redemptive love for all involved. Christians who know truth are the real influencers—they are not moved by hard situations, but rather move the situation with God’s Word.
Comparatively, consider what it takes to “man-handle” the challenge when real authority is not in place. Attempts to bring order through sheer mental and emotional strength diminish the spiritual role God designed for you—His authority, expressed in your words. 
Since God-given authority speaks by faith, your own faith increases with every word you speak in faith. The subsequent release of power renews you personally as you obey God’s leading. Faith interrupts stress cycles associated with living in a toxic environment. Your faith joined to God’s authority puts the emphasis on God’s strength, not your own.  
Here’s what you should do. Step up. Stop yielding to contrary voices. Stand tall. Speak clearly. Your harvest from all those faith-filled words yields renewed personal strength plus energized faith, producing more of the same! Selah! 
Matthew 17:14-21 | Matthew 21:18-22 | Mark 11:20-26 | Verses@Once