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We realize just how far-reaching prophetic prayer can be when we witness the results of such prayer in the outworking of God’s will in many lives. I personally seek the Holy Spirit to develop my own prayer life in this way, purposefully committing to pray with others who do the same. Confident the Spirit of God always leads us in triumph, we experience heights in prayer greater than we first knew, and we have grown to know the Lord and His Kingdom more deeply than at first, especially in prayer.

Many in the Church are unaware of this first century power-prayer, and shy away from and are unfamiliar with power that derives from true, spiritual prayer. If prayer is only routine, developed from prepared lists and under time constraints, and if congregational petition-prayer is the extent of what is allowed, then discipleship in prayer and teaching on prayer must also be confined to a routine and adjusted for explanation-only expression in prayer.

Thankfully, like Paul, who taught the early church to pray with “all kinds of prayer,” many do desire giant-sized doses of authentic power-prayer that includes more than one kind of prayer, and lots of every kind of prayer. Indeed, there are concerns in prayer that can only be addressed adequately under the Spirit’s direction… prophetic prayer that reaches beyond what we know in the natural to obtain supernatural, divine results… and answers to prayer that transform for the benefit of everyone, everywhere.

The qualifier to pray prophetically is a Word-disciplined heart with unquenchable confidence that what the Lord said He will do… He will do.

Simple. Not hard.


2 Corinthians 2:14-15 | Romans 8:26-27 | Ephesians 6:18, NIV | Ephesians 6:18, AMP | Ephesians 6:18, The Message | Ephesians 6:18, KJV | Verses@Once