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Many feel alone, isolated in some way. Not because of anything they have done but rather a consequence of events taking place around them. Our Lord also experienced these feelings. He knew the pain of related misunderstandings. He also knew the Father in such depth and trusted Him with such conviction that painful circumstances paled in comparison. Jesus was faithful in consistent stewardship of each day.

You are not alone! Do not fear for your future. Fear is the troubler of those now facing life-altering possibilities as the whole world shifts geopolitically. In the shift, everything will be shaking; and in the shaking wrong things long tolerated will become more emboldened. Your choosing must be truth… the truth of God’s Word that He will never leave or forsake you!    

Dignity derives from being faithful, and faithfulness comes with conviction that the Lord is also faithful; he conveys peace to override loneliness and isolation. Wavering in confidence toward the Lord—that He will never leave or forsake us—is precisely the temptation resulting when pressures increase, and contradictions arise. 

When I waver, I stop short of the highest mark of what I claim to have heard from the Lord. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing is also the way fear comes. So, don’t panic—don’t allow your mind to redirect to fear when God has already spoken faithfully. 

No matter what, commit to maintaining your dignity in God. Head up, shoulders straight, think clearly, one day at a time. You can do anything one day at a time! Decide the Lord has purpose in the situation, possibly even to change yourpurpose. Patiently allow Him to marry the two, His purpose and yours. 

And be thankful; there is always a fourth man in the furnace! 


John 16:31-33, NLTMatthew 26:40-42 | Mark 14:37-39 | Hebrews 12:26-27 | Daniel 3:24-28 | Verses@Once