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“So any person who knows what is right to do but does not do it, to him it is sin.” (James 4:17)

The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church is the first Sunday of November. It is a day of united prayer on behalf of Christians around the world who suffer because they are Christian. As many Christians whose belief in and worship of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob suffer religious persecution, unfortunately, and sadly, much of the world is silent. 

Increasingly, Christians are being penalized for practicing their faith or for refusing to convert to other religions. Persecution of Christians includes public beheadings, torture often resulting in death, and mass killings. Often followers of Christ are maligned, discredited, abused, imprisoned, discriminated against, and driven from their homes and families. 

On the first Sunday of November, the world will not be silent—it is a day to pray for all those persecuted for their faith! Use the resources listed below and join with your prayers and raise your voices. Speak reversal to conditions in nations and among sectarian powers where persecution exists. Ask God to comfort and rescue our Christian brothers and sisters.

Your voice makes a difference.


James 4:17



International Christian Concern

Voice of the Martyrs

Open Doors, prayer resources

World Watch List

FAQ World Watch List